A culinary adventure with Chef Stefano Baiocco, Alan Yau & Wan Issara

A 1,800sq. meter villa facing sunset, plenty of champange, great friends & three men who have excelled in the food world, better than most. As always in our blog, we will let the pictures tell the story...It was a night to not be forgotten...

Sri panwa sunsets

Wan at the stove for some laab ped...

Ready to eat!

Chef Stefano and Baba's P'Dum & P'Chai having a laugh

Kaffir lime leaves...take it in Chef

Sri panwa oysters....seriously...

They couldn't be opened with a shucker, so to the BBQ it was

They popped with the heat and P'Dum finished the job

Simple is our way at Sri panwa...

Chef in deep concentration

We couldn't get the oysters off the rocks, so they had to be BBQ's with the rocks

Some fresh lemon and down they went.


Let the risotto begin!


This Chef is a legend in Italy

Carefully slicing the 300grams of truffle...

Truffle risotto

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